My answer to your question is simple, Ghana is the gateway to Africa. Travel to discover Ghana and believe me, you will have a truly magical experience with anything Ghanaian.

Here are some of the few reasons why you should discover my motherland, Ghana.

The people here, are by far the nicest and most polite people alive on this planet, Earth. Ghanaians are so warm with uncompromising genuine smiles and treat visitors and foreigners alike, like high school classmates.

You shouldn’t be worried about your safety in Ghana since it is politically stable, with democratic government rule and this can be reflected by our cosmopolitan society. You’re safe, regardless of location and time. People tend to be their “brothers’ keeper” by watching for each other and helping out when a neighbor or a stranger is being burgled. But watch out, just like in any other country, thieves are everywhere- another form of bad profession.

Most of our attractions are just natural and very “organic”, like the butterfly sanctuary in the Brong Ahafo Region. Of course, there are a few ones which have been touched up lightly to maintain their looks and importance.

Ghana is blessed and endowed with some of the most useful and profitable natural resources you can ever find in one country. Some of this include Gold, Diamond, Bauxite, Manganese, cocoa, timber, Cola and Rubber which are all major contributers to Ghana’s foreign exchange.

To crown it all, an oil well has been discovered on the coastal parts of Ghana. Exploration is going on and reports confirm, the amount of oil continues to increase with progress. Isn’t that great for all of us? Its a win- win for all Ghanaians, Investors and the World as a whole.

So have I answered your question – Why Travel To Discover Ghana? Oh yes! is your response, I know for sure.

I created this site, Travel to Discover to share my passion about my country, and for my fellow Ghanaians and Non Ghanaians interested in knowing Ghana. It will give you an in depth knowledge of the Ghanaian culture, its history and related topics, a concise travel guide about all Ghana attractions including our nice exotic beaches and Hotels and lot more.

So, sit tight, put your seat belt on and enjoy the ride with me to Discover Ghana. Let go…….